

The Police Foundation would like to thank IAM RoadSmart for its generous grant towards the cost of producing the 2020 editions.

The Police Foundation has worked hard to ensure that the current handbooks reflect the best and most reliable parts of the previous editions while incorporating the latest knowledge in police driving and riding behaviour and techniques. We are therefore indebted to the organisations below for suppporting and endorsing the content of the 2013 editions.

The College of Policing is pleased to support the new editions of the Roadcraft and Motorcycle Roadcraft Manuals launched by the Police Foundation. The Manuals are highly valued by police drivers and provide important learning resources to support the College of Policing Driver Training Programme. We look forward to continuing to work with the Police Foundation.'

College of Policing

The comprehensive and revised content of the new edition of Roadcraft is important progress and ensures it is more inclusive and applicable to the vast majority of blue light users. The new layout makes the handbook easier to use, and along with references to driving larger vehicles and new chapters relating to emergency response driving and manoeuvring at low speed, will make a valuable contribution to the delivery of driver training. It is an excellent book for emergency service drivers to read and use to improve their skills.'


'Roadcraft is the cornerstone on which advanced driver training is taught. The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) is pleased to have contributed to this excellent new edition, through ambulance driver training leads, and welcomes its publication. Both the Roadcraft and Motorcycle Roadcraft manuals will continue to be used as an essential learning resource in the delivery of NHS Ambulance Service driver training programmes.'


'With three new chapters and refreshed material in many areas, Roadcraft is a valuable, newly updated tool to help drivers and driver trainers develop themselves, whatever level or stage they are already at.'